Colors of Amour: Gen 2.2: Fern Amour

Ugh, ever since Misty Rose and Sprout announced their engagement, that is all this house seems to want to talk about. Aren’t you excited, Fern, your older brother is getting married? What color tux do you want to wear, Sprout? We need to go wedding shopping with your mom, Misty Rose. When do you think you will have children? I wonder if Pine or Pale Leaf will get married next. . . Blah, blah, blah.

And if it isn’t talk about the wedding, my brother and Misty Rose are going with cute romantic gestures. I guess I could handle that knowing they would be gone in a few weeks (graduation had been all over and done with for Sprout) to their new house to make kissy faces elsewhere. But did they have to have kisses and hug time in the room when I was trying to get ready for bed? I mean honestly. . .




I did start to notice that their public displays of affections were starting to bother someone else besides myself. Pine would often stare at them with what I could only describe as a blank, slightly annoyed look.

I mean he was always giving the two of them that look whenever they were in the room or when anyone began to talk about their wedding. It normally didn’t last long, so as no one would comment on it. But I noticed it on several occasions. I understood his pain, cause I have had to deal with their kissing and the excitedness over a dumb wedding.

So I began to talk and hang out with Pine where we would- or I would- start to poke fun at the unneeded uproar about the wedding.

“Should we have a pink arch or a blue arch, Sprout?” I asked in my best high fake Misty Rose voice.

That got Pine gave a short laugh at my jokes, but after several times of making fun of the wedding, my Dad told us to stop. It could hurt people’s feeling unnecessarily.


Before long it was the wedding day. Ugh. Took to long, in my opinion and I swear that my tux was a bit tight on me. It was like they were trying to make me pay. It would only be for the day, I had to keep telling myself just so I wouldn’t tear the bloody thing off.

At least mine didn’t look as uncomfortable as Sprout’s getup. Then again it could have been because Mom was taking picture after picture before the guests arrived. Misty Rose had went back to her parents house so Sprout couldn’t see her, for whatever that is about.

Just in time, Misty Rose’s parents came in just as mom was getting ready to have all her boys take a group shot. Phew, got out of that one. I sat down on the ground figuring the grownups would sit on the chairs. I began playing with my doll while I listened to people chatter. Mom was talking to Misty Rose’s mom about the past while her dad went over to Sprout.

I watched from the corner of my eye as they shook hands and Sprout said, “It’s an honor that you could make it.”

“And miss my daughter marry the guy she loves? We think of you as family, I am proud to call you my son-in-law, Sprout. Who knew Rose’s friend’s eldest and our oldest would be standing her today getting married.” He wiped a tear from his eye. I started to tone them out, bored with listening already.

“And you must be the youngest!”

I looked up and sighed as I got up off the floor. “That be me, Sir.”

After a few minutes of idle conversation I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

No, I didn’t want to use it. Just wanted to hide out. There was no one my age. Sure I had Pixie Moss but she was hanging out with Pale Leaf talking about girly things. Why are weddings so borrrrrriiiiiinnnnnggggg?

I jumped when I heard a knock.


“Fern, you there?”

“The ceremony is starting, dude. Hurry up.”

“I opened the door finding people hovered around the door. “Coming,” I said sheepishly as everyone turned around and started heading for the door to head outside where the ceremony would be held.

Sprout and Misty Rose were already waiting at the arch by the time I had made my way out of the house. When they saw me standing with the rest of the family – as it was only family- they began.

All the family members around me began crying or smiling. I wasn’t as much.

Sure, I will admit they were a perfect match for one another. And she did make my brother happy. . .

It was probably because I was too young, because I didn’t understand why people were getting so overemotional. Mom and her friend kept exchanging glances and then begin crying and laughing again.

I will admit, I was relieved when they finally stopped talking and kissed. There really was only one redeeming quality about the wedding.

I just had to wait for the signal.

I waited until they were done kissing and my brother looked over at me. He tilted his head and I knew it was time.


Time to throw rice.

It defiantly was the best part of the celebration.  One of the only redeeming qualities. Now all that was left was cake.

“What do you mean there isn’t any cake?!”


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16 Responses to Colors of Amour: Gen 2.2: Fern Amour

  1. Poor Fern, he didn’t get any cake like he thought there would be.

    “I thought you said their would be cake!!!!” >,<

  2. Uhhh…no cake? RUDE!

  3. darknerd92 says:

    The cake is a lie D:
    Poor Fern 😦
    That face is so adorable >.<!

  4. Cami says:

    no cake!!? Where’s the cake man!?

    • I decided not to cause Misty Rose and Sprout left right away and I didn’t want to leave the family with left over cake that lasts 3x as long as birthday cake. O.o” Lol. Fern would be sick of cake then. Plus birthday bananzas are coming up… So even more cake then.

  5. StyxLady says:

    I love how he hid out in the bathroom, lol. Poor guy. At least it’s all over now and maybe his life will be a little more peaceful.

    • Yeah, he did that all on his own. I had everyone over there and I realized Fern wasn’t anywhere to be found. He was in the bathroom just standing there. And lets hope so, cause he is going to be a teen when I start up my game. O.O”””

  6. Drew says:

    Aww, no cake…? 😦
    I feel for you Fern.

  7. Emy says:

    No caaaaake. D:

    Fern pulls the most adorable faces, haha. ❤ Poor little guy.

    The wedding was lovely. 🙂

  8. Awww, poor little dude. D: What’s this about a wedding with no cake?!

  9. seaweedy says:

    Sprout looks great in his wedding attire, so snazzy!

  10. sErindeppity says:

    Aw I loved this chapter. He’s so cute xD poor kid…. no cake. But at least he got to throw rice!

  11. Kiari says:

    No cake?! poor Fern. Loved the wedding!

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